I am so overwhelmed and miserable.
Due in 3 days, no contractions, still dilated at 1cm. I just don't want to be induced.. I would love for my water to break on its own.
I'm starting to lose all hope that I had
@I've lissesmommy, that's the only thing I haven't tried and j was just talking about it yesterday lol... I just been squatting and walking up & down hills around my neighborhood
please don't. labor is not typical and almost NEVER goes the way planned. I didn't particularly love my labor like at all but the staff was unbelievably sweet💞 and everyone catered to me (my delivery doctor even removed my skin tags after delivery) even though I didn't want an epidural, I was in total misery without it with no progress because I wasn't relaxing plus they had to monitor baby so I stayed in bed mostly which makes a natural labor impossible. I wanted delayed cord blood clamping but she pooped before delivery, her cries were gurgles so they couldn't take the risk of keeping it intact for long (I still think they could've compromised a little BUT THAT'S okay). My thing was this is the best day of my life and I wasn't gonna be miserable to the point I couldn't enjoy it. I asked for the lowest epidural dose and thrived on it and I voiced my fears and asked lots of questions because sometimes they won't tell you what they're doing. Ask questions until you are satisfied with the answers. you will do GREAT mama😍😍