@proud_mami87, no your fine, I'm trying to see if my little girl will be coming soon, I was induced with my son, but I am having alot or BH And Tmi discharge and loose #2.
I was 40 weeks had her on the day of her due date Sunday May 31,15. Friday I started having lots of pressure down there, with few contractions but they were far apart. Saturday morning they were abit more painful, every 10 - 20 min apart. around 2pm went to L&D i was only 3cm and 50% effaced, they had me walking for two hour to dilate more. no progress whatsoever, so they sent me home around 6pm. I was still contracting every 10-20 min. around 2am they started coming more frequently every 5-3 min. OMG they were so painful. I went bak to L&D. took us 30 min to get there. I was in pain for 1 hour before I had the epidural after that it was a big Relief 😂 had her @11:43am
sorry I know u didn't ask for labor Story 😂
@malachaismommy yes that Friday-Sunday I was having pain but I thought they were BH but once they started increasing and keeping me from sleeping I went to the hospital that Monday after my professor told me to go...once I got to the hospital they sent to straight to L&D and from there I was surrounded by nurses and doctors.
With my first I was 32 weeks and 2 days when I went into labor with her. Had to have an emergency c section bc of the HELLP syndrome...now my daughter is 8 and you cannot tell she was a premie. I will be having my second child at 36 weeks since I have a placenta previa via c section as well