Venus Kirkpatrick
Venus Kirkpatrick
Mommies help! Braxton hasn't been sleeping in his crib like he used to! He cries and screams until I go get him. I'm 26 weeks and 3 days pregnant and can't have him sleeping with us, he thrashes around and kicks me in the stomach, which gave me contractions and isn't safe for our little guy. What do I do???

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@aregi92310, that's what I say to him!! 😂
09.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
@wallawallamomma, well your not his mom, your his wife. if he wanted you to be like his mom, he should have married her lol 😊
07.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
@aregi92310, my mother in law set a high bar :(
07.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
There is no such thing! Such a heartless thing to say, he can't expect you to do all the house work plus take care of your toddler 24/7, he may work but the one breaking back is you. @wallawallamomma
06.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
@aregi92310, I've tried that :( mine called me lazy and said he thinks I baby my pregnancy :, (
06.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
@wallawallamomma, oh no hun, you gotta be persistent with him especially when it comes to your baby and to the one coming. you need your rest more than he does, your pregnant and he needs to consider that, you should put him on a time out, don't clean, cook, or wash his clothes until he helps. I did that once. my husband didn't respond well to it. but he started helping me out more.
06.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
he won't have the luxury when Alán comes. he's getting up!
06.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
@aregi92310, I have asked him in the past to help in the night with Braxton, he literally told me no and went back to sleep :, (
06.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
yeah, u should let him cry to his content. he'll eventually find his happy place. as for your husband, I'd push my husband off the bed to go do something about it. and I'd talk his ear off as well, if he loves you he will only get angry but he will do it.
06.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
That is what I did, I locked myself in the bathroom so I couldn't hear him. 20 minutes later he's been out (: Thank you ladies :* this has been very stressful, and my man won't help. I have given him the luxury of sleeping 5 days a week and him watching him for 2 (the weekend) which he hasn't done in 2 months due to him going to a different state for work. I'm pissed when I tried to wake him to tell him tomorrow we are taking the crib so de off for him he didn't listen and fell back asleep. guess where this momma is sleeping? the couch.
06.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Oh wow I'm so sorry girl maybe you shud do what @manimommy2015 said and let him cry it out I know I'll kill you at first cus you baby is crying but it will be ok promise
06.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
@imluvd88, that's what we have been doing but he hits and kicks right before he falls asleep. He doesn't mean to,but the last couple times he has gotten me and bub right in the stomach :(
06.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Ever since ive been pregnant our two year old wants to sleep with us again! We just make him fall asleep in his bed and let him come in our bed early in the a.m. Its not ideal! His poor sister has been kicked and jabbed several times! its definitely tough!
06.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
I have the same issue with my one year old so what I do is let him go to bed with me and when he falls asleep put him in is own bed have you tried that it might help your son a lot it may even help with the transition of a new baby coming in the house soon
06.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
he knows if he does that your guna keep coming to get him let him cry it out let him learn how to self soothe himself to sleep
06.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
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