My labor story; I started feeling labor pains, contractions back ache and cramps Thursday the 18th at 35 weeks and 2 days they would not regulate but never went away Friday we went to labor and delivery with contractions 7 minutes apart but stayed at a 1 the whole time so they sent me home the pains would not go away all weekend and I was really trying to wait till me apt Tuesday morning then Monday the 22nd at about 530 I started contracting for the first time all day Monday and they were weird contractions nothing like the ones I had before they weren't painful and as soon as they started they were already 5 minutes apart we knew we had to go to the hospital and so we started getting all the last minute stuff ready I had already cooked dinner so we ate and I showered and within about an hour and a half my contractions were 2 minutes apart and painful I knew we had to go we got to the hospital about 7 an they monitored me and checked me I was still at a 1 they were giving me fluids and they gave me some morphine/phennigan to try and control pain and let me sleep and they were going to send me home and they came and checked me and I was at 2 so they decided to monitor me a bit longer my contractions were about a minute apart and lasting about a minute 30 seconds they didn't think it was really labor being I was only 35 weeks and 5 days after a whole night of no sleep and pain three bags of fluids and fentanyl they checked me the next morning my contractions were about 20 seconds apart lasting 2 minutes and I was screaming in pain the doctor checked me and decided I was at a almost three and they could call it progression and change and they knew my baby wasn't getting the oxygen needed in between my contractions so the decided I needed an epidural to slow down my contractions I got it at about 930 am Tuesday morning and felt great after that at about 1 pm they came in and I was at about a 4 and decided to break my water so my cervix would start to dilate they realized about an hour later that my labor had stopped and it was already to late to turn back so they started me on pitocin at about 3 they checked me and I was at a 5 at 4 I started to feel like the epidural wore off and the anstelogist was in a c section I started to feel the pressure and they checked me again at 4 I went from a 5 to a 9 in an hour and had to start pushing my doctor was also in a c section after about an hour of pushing with no working epidural my heart rate was 210 and I was exhausted the doctor and nurse all had this worried look in their face and wanted to take me to the OR after about another 30 minutes of pushing he made his appearance at 6:56 pm on June 23rd he was born I had an inside and outside cut and then tore on top of that and got 13 stitches my labor was very hard on me and I don't remember much of Tuesday at all but my son being their made it all worth while he was born 35 weeks and 6 days and about 9 o'clock developed low blood sugar and a wheeze they took him to the nursery to monitor him and realized his oxygen levels were in the 70s and had to put him on oxygen and made me pump to keep his sugars up he took a couple days to get over the breathing but Thursday he was able to come to the room with us until his sugars dropped and had to get an iv finally Friday he was stable to stay in the room and then the doctor came in to check his vitals and realized he was jaundice with levels as high as 18.9! All day Friday he was under the bilirubin and his levels dropped were they needed to be the doctor came in Saturday morning and looked at him and said he looked perfect and that he could go home 😍 Saturday June 27th was one of the best days ever