@faithfulness88, like cramping severe sore throat and body is really sore where it hurts to bend, sit up just for a few days. I suggest walking a lot n a heating pad @faithfulness88
Anyways time to start they gave some meds to relax me rolled me down to the operating room and put the mask over my mouth n nose and it was over 45 minutes later two small incisions One above your pelvic and other on the belly button and I got clips put on. The pain afterwards Is omg terrible from your throat hurting because of the breathing tube to your upper body hurting from all the gas they insert in you. You go be sore for at least a week @jessnichole @jessicac6 @faithfulness88 @mrsruvalcaba make sure you walk and plenty of water afterwards. But I forgot they want let u leave till u pee and blood pressure go down it took me few hours to go home
Well went in Tuesday morning have to get there at least two hours prior go over health issues also blood work if you haven't already did that at your pre op appoinment also my anesthesiologist called me the night prior and talked to me which made me more nervous and thing is I had surgery before @jessicac6 @jessnichole @mrsruvalcaba @faithfulness88
Well I just had my third child four weeks ago so please ladies make sure this is what you want ok. Me and my husband booth decided and mostly my husband stood by my side for my reasons on getting the procedure done. @jessnichole @jessicac6 @faithfulness88 @hellokitty718 @mrsruvalcaba