anyone's baby's pass the hearing screening with one ear but not the other and it turn out to just be a fluke and everything was fine? freaking out over here lol
I never said or acted like it was the end of the world or that I'd be upset if she were deaf or hard hearing in one ear. it was a question. no parent wants their babies to have challenges mental or physical in life .
@latia0321, I'm so glad someone said that!
@mommymikk It could go either way. But like she said, there are options for deaf and hard of hearing! There are hearing aids and there's sign language! I have a friend who is deaf in one ear and she sometimes uses her hearing aid, usually not. She also signs ASL and Russian sign language, and speaks English and Russian (she was adopted from Russia at 17yrs.) Will there be challenges? Yes. But it will be okay! Having a child with a hearing loss is not the end of the world.
Don't freak out if he happens to be deaf or hard of hearing . The most important gift u give him is sign language To communicate I'm a deaf mother myself and I have a great life . Don't stress out girl ! But I would love to help you if you need advice or suggestions I've worked with a lot kids who are deaf /hard of hearing