Does anyone have any idea on what this rash could be on my 5weeks old baby?!? It's just appeared out of no where she didn't have it this morning? I've phoned the doctors but they won't see her until tomorrow morning
If she goes off her feed or is taking less than 50% of whatever she normally takes I'd just take her in to get checked over, hopefully it's nothing tho, let me know how you both get on @sarahlou
@avasmummy14, She's asleep the now but when I go to feed her the last bottle of the night I'll check if it fades and then comes back and I don't think her soft stop dips at all and I'm gonna make an appointment for me and her tomorrow to see docs but thanks for the help
When you press it does it fade and then come back and does the soft spot on her head dip in at all? If your worried take her in hun better to be safe isn't it @sarahlou my little one is so unsettled with it xx
I've had her in the hospital today as she started being sick none stop last night and have been told that it looks like the start of chicken pox have to keep an eye on her as she is off her food so they think that the pox has started in her mouth :( had to wait 3hours for her to be seen!@sarahlou @cwev
That's terrible!! By the way if u do take her tell them it's suspected chicken pox and they should put u to the front of the queue so they dont risk passin it to anyone else. My sister did that and got seen straight away (her docs are rubbish and she usually has to wait at least 40 mins from her appointment time! Fingers crossed it's nothing, it has been hot the last few days! Xx
I've not had chicken pox I hope it is just a sweat rash and I've kicked off because they won't see her so I'm going to just go take her down and demand they see her as when she was 2weeks old she had an eye infection and they refused to see her on the Saturday because they said it was normal so on the Monday I took her to the doctors and she got rushed to hospital as the eye infection was damaging her eye and she was in hospital for 2weeks on drips the lot x
It's probably not chicken pox. we've just found out that my 14mth old niece has chicken pox so me and my sister had frantic calls to midwives and docs about my 10 day old and her 8 wk old catching it and were both told by separate doctors that babies under 6months don't get chicken pox coz they still carry immunity from mum (as long as uv had it!!) I wouldn't be happy if they told me they they wouldn't see her till tomorro!! Is there a walk in clinic anywhere u can take her to? X