I suffered bad after having my daughter. Was also having issues with the father. But it got so bad I didn't want to hold her or anything and I knew that wasn't right so I got help.
this is about to sound bad but i realized it when one day my daughter was crying and i wanted to throw her out the window......i was 16 at the time and had no clue what postpartum depression was and i felt so bad after that day i was scared to hold her or do anything after that. i talked to my drs and they said it is very normal for women to think those things and i was like i dont want to think those im a pos mom they gave me meds and i had to talk to a group of moms once a week and found out alot of moms think that.....
right! its unexplainable. like i think about it and then when i feel better i say to myself that im tierd and that its not true. i feel so alone. my relationship with my mom isnt that great and my hubby dosnt really say anything and i can't trust anyone. ughh in so tierd. i just want to be happy with my babies
Yeah. it's true. no one really understand what goes on in our heads sometimes. When I'm alone with my own thoughts, I just cry. I cry everything out. and in the end. I feel a lot better. I could imagine it being a little harder for you because of your boys. @mommaoftwoboys
im aware as well but i feel like im in denial. last sunday i had a really bad melt down. and ever since i have a head ache that wont go away. it just me i dont really talk to anyone. no one seems to understand me. its just hard im home alone with my 2 boys all day and i feel like im not okay.
I'm kinda going through it right now myself, and it sucks because I'm well aware that I'm going through it. it doesn't happen all the time, but It comes and goes. My husband is usually the one who lifts my spirits, especially when I'm really feeling down. but it's been mainly my mom helping me lately.