Can we have a circumcision discussion please? I'm having a hard time deciding on whether to do it or not. I kind of don't want to do it because I kind of see it as plastic surgery and don't see it as a health hazard at all. On the other hand, I want to get it done for my baby's self esteem. I know a lot of uncircumcised men that are way too self conscious about their penis and I don't want my baby to feel that way about it.

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My doctor and I had this discussion as well they used to say it was no point in doing it beside the fact that u have to make sure to keep it clean but what she said to me is that new study's have proven it is actually very good to have it because when ur circumcised the skin grows something like a callus over the tip and in the future they are proving it does make it harder to get certain stds such as aids now it's not impossible but the chances r not as high
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
None of the men in my husband family are circumcised ,4 bothers ,9 nephews and his father none have ever had a problem . I think it's more of a personal choice.
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'm sorry I wasn't trying to scare you): I just wanted to inform you so in case anything did happen from not doing it, you would know in advance
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
don't be scared where just letting u know so if u decided to not do it you know what can happen in case it's ur decision , what you do with your baby but it's just a safer way to go
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
@missvargas, very true!! But @jayviensmommy15 @tristenmyers you guys are scaring me
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
as long as you teach your son how to properly clean and take care of himself he shouldn't get an infection
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
My husband's opinion on this is "the father usually teaches about anatomy on a boy. I want my son to be like me so when he sees me he doesn't ask 'why am I different' either way it is a personal choice"
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
@Missvargas that's our thoughts as well!!! 👍🏼
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
My husband isn't self conscious about it at all and we didn't have my first son circumcised and the new baby won't be either. I was a Virgin when I married my husband so its never been a probably with me .and I always joke that if a girl has a problem with my sons being uncircumcised later in life then that not the type of girl they should be with anyways .
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
it's a lot healthier for them my mom works with baby's and she's had cases where mom's who even clean it all the time , still doesn't mean he won't get an infection the little boy didn't get circumcised until he was 11 and he said it was very painful so even if u keep it clean and he dose he can still get an infection.
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
I am circumcising my son though, it's all personal preference. :) BUT my grandmother recently told me that my uncle, brother, and three cousins were not circumcised as newborns and all of them got "unavoidable infections" leading them to have to get circumcised around ages 3 or 4
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
@sarahbeth that is your answer you don't want your son growing up seeing your honey and thinking why aren't we the same I know my cousin decided on that as well
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
Self Esteem alone; I would get it done if I were having a boy (or when I do have a boy.)
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
I personally think its a health decision. It is a lot easier for boys to get infections when they are not circumcized because its easy to get dirt and bacteria in there. My sisters first son isn't becaus he had a lot of health problems when he was born so it wasn't even a thought and has had to teach her son to clean really well because of that. It is definitely a preference thing but it is definitely better to get it done before they are 2 weeks old because once they get older its an actual surgery.
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
@mrsg25, my man isn't circumcised either and while being with him has made me appreciate and love uncut, I don't want my baby to resent me for making the wrong decision. @preggiemommyincorona, I'm not really concerned about the extra cleaning effort it will take on my part. You gotta clean it well either way lol. I'm also not religious
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
@sarahbeth it's obviously personal preference. My husband is not circumcised and if we have a boy we will not circumcise. We feel like it should be the choice of the person involved...I don't think they are as common anymore. My husband was never self conscious but I am sure other guys are. I don't know haha. Good luck!!!
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
It's either a health decision or your faith if they don't get circumcised you will need to pull back the skin of the penis and clean it for them until they can learn to do it themselves but if you do get it done it's easier for them in the long run
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
It's best to get it done as a newborn cause it's hurts them once they get older.
19.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
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