Thoughts on tattoos while breastfeeding? I've heard all sides of the discussion but I'm still not sure of my own opinion. Please no rude comments, thank you 😊
I say just ask the shop if they'll do it. What's the difference of having a tattoo and getting one while bf'ing.. I don't have a tattoo so I don't know.
@ene123, I did take offence to that because that's how my husband supports me and his Mom & I got a MAJOR infection from a shop and ended up in the hospital at a very young age I'd rather the person show me and prove to me its clean and that's what my husband dose
lol @soon2beabryannasmom I said professional ! you can be professional at home ! most people who tattoo at home have no idea what they're doing tho ! plus you can get more reviews on shops and people who work on shops. no offense to you or your hubby but I would have to know someone personally to go to their house to get tattooed. you know? xD
@ene123, my husband dose at home it dosent mean he's NOT clean @ericksonmadi my first tattoo was at a shop I got a MAJOT INFECTION and if u do shop remember to ASK TO SHOW U TAKE OUT THE NEEDLE that's what my husband dose he even explains and shows need before and after after will not look the same as newly opened and also need to be there WHILE THEY POUR COLORS if they just do black and use the persons before its JUST as dangerous as sharing needles (: