I have really bad anxiety!!! the house we live in doesn't have ac... so we use fans.. now the fan is broken in the living room.. the tank for the swear is backed up becuz the guy we live with (that owns the house) hasn't pumped it in 9 YEARS!! So we are limited to showers, flushing the toilet, and washing clothes... WTF!!! And then, we (hubby and I) have no car.. so I can't go get my anxiety meds.. the guy we live with is taking care of his dad in another town, he is the only ride we have to go anywhere. plus his car is a piece of shit.. I have to ride a bus to go to my ob appointment this coming Wednesday... don't know when I'll be home becuz.. it's a bus...
My hubby does work but he is paying child support. so half his checks are gone. I can't work because if I stand up to long my back hurts a lot because I'm pregnant. And then I won't be able to work after my daughter is born because hubby and the guy we live with both work nights and the only way I'll be able to work is if I work nights with them.. they work at the same place. And if I do that, no one will be able to watch my baby girl. so I'm going to be a stay at home mom. I just wish I could help my hubby out some how.. I feel worthless...
sometimes I break down and cry for at least an hr or two. I feel like I'm falling apart..
I moved up here to Ohio to be with my hubby in Dec 2014. I'm from Louisiana, so I have no family up here to help me get to places.. ugh.. sometimes I wish he would have just moved down to Louisiana to be with me.. but it is what it is.
And don't get me wrong I'm very excited about having a baby girl with my hubby! She is due October 4th!!

Лучший комментарий


Thanks :) @phasion
18.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
@meggieann, you don't have to stand to work ... There are plenty of stay at home jobs , At&t, Comcast, American Express...and taking the bus isn't bad it shows some sort of independence instead of depending on someone you lived with car. You have to take it easy though with everything that's going on. Instead of complaining do something about it. The ac, fan, showers etc it's out of your control just keep calling the person to fix it
18.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
@karina22, totally agree everything you've stated
18.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
18.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
Breathe girl. The stress isn't good for your baby. It's tough especially if you have no one to fall back on. Best thing to do in my opinion and If it were I going through this, is to move back with family. It will definitely ease your mind and not put anymore stress on the baby. Taking the bus isn't the end of the world, just breathe. You will do just fine. Talk to your family immediately about this. Have him look now for a job in that other city/state. Maybe your family can help you as well babysit if you want to look for a job. You still have a little while until your baby is here. The sooner the better. Collect and calm yourself for your precious baby sake. I pray everything goes smoothly for you guys.
18.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
I think U guys should move back before she gets here! She wasn't planned? Meaning U guys were using contraceptives?
18.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'll talk to him about moving back, me, him, and the baby when she's born. because my parents are coming up here when I go into labor. so maybe they could bring us back down.@karina22,
18.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
she wasn't planned...
18.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'm sorry it seems really hard and I feel for U.. That's why I'm saying U should t have to deal with it... If it's this bad U need to have a talk with him and maybe moving back to LA with UR fam is something U guys should consider if they will be able to help
18.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
I don't mean this in any way becuase love is love... But U should have considered this all before trying for a baby 😞
18.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
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