ughhh i dont know what to do π so im currently a sahm to my 2 boys almost 2yeard old and 2 month old. my husband works 2 jobs and were are doing okay. they are hiring at my local 99 cent store for a cashier and i want to go and apply. i want to work so i can buy my babies want ever they want but i also want them to have my 100% attention and i honestly dont trust people with my kids other than my mom. #imstuck #advice
@momofroyalty, thats why lol my husbands family is really rough with the kids and the way i raise my babies is way different. they dont really pay attention to them. they do wat ever anf hit and bite. my older sin has never been a bitter or anything he is super mellow and kind. i wouldnt want him to pick uo bad habits. and my mom works to and my sisters work. my sil told me to ask our neighbor but idk i dont trust them. it would only be for 1 hour while my husband comes home from work. i feel like i should just find a grave yard shift so i can have them all day. then i only breastfeed my little one. and i honestly dont want to stop
I was the same way and Still am. i would go to family members I knew had kids and had done well with them and see how my child interacted with them and I eventually start letting them go for an hour and than it became my whole shift. I call every hour and text to check on them