Lina Guerrero
Lina Guerrero
So night before last I had a dream that I was at the funeral home looking at my baby girl out of no where she comes back to life and I'm screaming baby she alive she alive and as my fiancé walks to us shes dead again last night I had a dream my fiancé and I had a baby but I kept seeing my princess face every where. And I kept saying I'll expect this baby but I just want my princess. Whenever I dream of my baby girl I understand the messages behind them but this time I have no idea what she trying to tell me. 😩😭💔👼🏽

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frm what u sounds like when you get pregnant youll accept it but u just want your baby girl back..and she cant be replaced. maybe shes letting u know not to feel like you are trying to replace her and she knows you won't forget her, 💜
15.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
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