I want loadsss I just love children no silly midwifes will deter me altho my partner freaks slightly wen I say how many we WILL have haha. this is ur 4th! wow durin labour I changed my mind & sed one wud do me haha now shes 4 wks old tday and im deff havin more lol xx
@traceyj10 that's terrible, maybe they forgot about you or just didn't think u needed help, still no excuse though every mother wether it's 1st time or 50th time still needs a helping hand, I'm sure that's put u off having more x
I was in a ward! and I wasnt even shown were the buzzer was it was awful lol my bf stayed ages cause noone actually came near us to kick him out lol was just before midnight before he even left @tori27 xx
@traceyj10 omg really that's terrible, wether they were understaffed or not they should of showed you, with my first child they did, & this is my 4th I doubt they'll come near me this time lol, did you not ring your buzzer? Where u in a ward or private room? x
I had her in the Royal maternity. it was ok but this was my first baby & noone came near me to ask hw I was feeding her wasnt even shown if I was doin it right or hw to bath a baby lol so understaffed. @tori27 xx
it hurt at the start abit but that's cause I wasnt holding baby right so hurt the nipple abit but no pain at all now. deff better in the way of quickness wen u have a screaming baby demanding food lol. I tried expressing but I had difficulty :( midwife sed its just one of those things some can pump some cant @tori27 xx
lol. I only planned to do it the first day when the colostrum was in cause itss the best for baby but im still doin it 4 weeks on. it is hard work panic alot that baby isnt gettin enough but I deff feel so much closer to my wee princess ♡ I didnt think id take to it @tori27 xx