Question about formula
It's been a while since I've had a newborn and the formula has changed slightly, the hospital started my daughter on the Enfamil Newborn (the blue can) due to her sugar being low so I was nursing 15-20 mins and then filling her belly with that. Now that we are home I have a few more ready to feed bottles for her, but also a couple cans of powder. Have any moms had a problem with baby taking differently to the powder than the ready to feed? Both enfamil newborn just prepared differently. We tried a powder bottle to save the ready to feed early and she's been slightly restless all night. Can't remember if my sons had this problem after they came home. I dont know if it's just a off night for her or if the enfamil newborn is making her gassy it uncomfortable because i have the gentle ease as well so I'm willing to switch her if necessary.