meet Priscilla.... she was born Thursday June 11th at 4:42 pm... I was in labor for over 24 hours and pushed for 2 and a half hours before they finally had to get the vacuum to help me by that point my epidural had worn off and they were refilling it as I pushed her out...good thing about that was the new epidural kicked in before he gave me stitches so I didn't feel those... she weighed 7 lbs and 2 oz and he said that if she had been any bigger I would have had to get a c section... But she was worth every bit of it. I never knew I could love sooooo much.
yes my mom had to have it with me and then I had to have it with her.... it's really just a suction cup that goes on the baby's head inside you and as you push the Dr pulls... the only thing is it makes the baby have kind of a cone head for a little while. @marguerite_1990
@jsb87 thanks :)