I am 3cm dilated and 100% effaced. I still have my mucus plug and my water hasn't broke. Why is my child being a diva ? COME OUT! 2 days away from my induction! I need help kick starting this labor! 😩
you can do it natural my friend was like 90 pounds when she got pregnant and she gave birth to a 10 lbs baby with no problem ... and my last baby I didn't even push she just came out lol she came so fast the doctor didn't make it till about 3 mins after she was born lol
I will be investing in a epidural for sure! Lol I wanted to go natural but they told me my daughter is estimated to be 7-8 lbs. im a tiny person I feel like that will be the closet thing to feeling like dying trying to get her out @babygirl10-11
I thought I was gonna die with my last it hurt so bad I kept telling the nurse never mind I'm done hubby get the car were going home I don't want a baby lol I wanted a epidural so bad but nope I went all natural
my first I took castor oil I was 41 weeks almost 42 my second I got induced at 41 wk..this last baby came all on her own on her dd and labor was only 3 ,hrs water broke at home at 1235am and I had her at 1:25am
three babies and I never lost my plug but my water broke at home each time my plug always came out when my water broke ... gross cuz it was still big blob lol