I went progressively over with each of mine so I feel your pain. I'll be pregnant until Christmas if this one follows the pattern lol. just try to adapt your mental attitude a little and it may help you through like it did with me. instead of concentrating on how much you want your baby in your arms, try to concentrate on enjoying every last kick in your belly.. every last moment she belongs totally to you and you don't have to share her with anyone yet... every heartbeat you share. .. once that is over you'll not get it back so try to savor those last precious hours /days. you've done 180 days of pregnancy... You have only a few absolute maximum to go. (((((hugs)))))
Oh and please remind me of my ' wisdom' when I'm inevitably overdue with Sir jellybean here 😂😜
Bless you, I'm sure you're more than ready now! Sickness sucks, mine is horrendous, so I feel you on that. Keep us updated! I'm sure it won't be long x
@hannahmilligan22, yeah I'm hoping if I get a sweep tomorrow she'll come as it's been 3 days and I can't wait anymore:/ plus I'm being sick again which doesn't happen when I'm not pregnant x