Jordan Gastgaber
Jordan Gastgaber
I'm not sure if this sounds bad but with my troubles TTC, then my miscarriage, throughout the last 6 months of her pregnancy I really cannot be happy for my SIL and her baby, I cannot get excited for her, I can't stand hearing about her registry or baby shower, or even her son.. It drives me CRAZY she does not deserve it.. And it breaks my heart

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Oh my god I'm so sorry!! What happened to your daughter if you don't mind me asking? And that's not right, that's extremely hard and uncomfortable for you to be around and thankfully for both of our situations we don't live with our inlaws!!!! 2 months that's crazy! That's not even settling down haha that's the "honeymoon phase" of when you're so love struck by someone lol. My SIL'a baby daddy/ "fiancé" has two other kids from two other mothers!!!! And every other weekend they live at my in laws APARTMENTS which has 3 bedrooms, one being theirs, one still being my hubby's for when we stay and my MIL and FIL!!! Where are they gonna keep a baby and two little girls? It's insane I don't understand
06.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
I know exactly how you feel I had a miscarriage 6 months ago...then 2 months ago my beautiful 5 year old little girl passed. And during loosing my daughter my fiancés brother just so happens to finally find a girlfriend and "settle down" well she has a one year old little girl and she came over for the first time right after my daughters funeral and hasn't left since she now lives with my in laws.....and is now screaming she's pregnant. And they only been together 2 months?? It's really stressful going to visit watching her play where my baby once played and she even just so happens to sit in the same chair at the table my daughter used to sit in every day after school. I'll never understand why these things happen girl an I'm sorry you have to deal with that!!! I hope you have your baby soon 😔
06.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
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