Rant!! I'm so tired of not having time to do anything. in no way whatsoever am I blaming things on being a mom but I literally have time to do NOTHING! I take a "real" shower/bath every other day. the other days I only take a monkey bath (washing the important parts). I get off of work at 7pm. the drive home is 45 minutes! I try to be in bed by 10-10:30 so that gives me about 2 freaking hours to eat. bathe my son, bathe myself, & get him to bed. may not sound like a lot but it is. being pregnant & having a 1 year is EXH.AUST.ING!!!! #rantover

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hey I Dont even get to shower lol. I'm lucky if I get to like every 3 days. it sucks. but I think it gets better when there older lol.
06.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
really I just want to paint my nails! is that too much to ask??
06.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
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