What a horrible nightmare. I was so sad to wake up to that I had to get up. Couldn't sleep for an hour. In my dream there was a older lady punishing her newborns bby, gad knows idk why, but she put the bbys in a cold lil tub and made her sit and lie in that coooooooold ass water :,( thankfully I ran in the bathroom and grabbed the bby and put it under my shirt to get as warm as possible.cursed that b{%^* out & BAM woke up...
It's sad that shit like that happens all over the world. In countries where cops wouldn't care. Where woman & children are treated like shit. Where a neighbor dare not say anything about an abused child. Sigh* reality man. Where a fu€*+* records the abuse for entertainment... I wish I was a super hero to save those poor babies....