Question everyone I'm nervous about getting induced Monday if she not here this weekend does induction mean u have to get a C section is it worst than going in labor on ur own HELP😁😁😁 Please someone 😕😔
@serinitymom, I have 4 kids and was induced everytime....had them naturally ....the doctor just busts the water for me...I think it's better than the baby coming with out u knowing because at least with the induction you are ready for your baby 😊 don't be scared you will be fine!
Getting induced absolutely does not mean you'll have to have a Csection, it all depends on how your body and baby progress during labor! Good luck hun!
they say with the 1st it's common if you get induced to have a c section. but it will really depend on how your body and the baby is with the pitocin. I was induced with my second and had complications and had to have a c section. honestly It wasn't that bad. so just take a deep breath and go with the flow. If you end having to have a c section it'll be ok!
Idk if its worse. But No Not Everyone, Have to Get a CSection. My friend got induced and she had her baby natural. just depends on your body, your health , and your baby health