I've really struggled emotionally with this pregnancy, I had severe anxiety from day one, at first although we planned baby i conceived a lot quicker (first try) than I thought I would and felt an 'oh shit' moment and it took me a good month to come to terms with the fact I was actually pregnant. Then I became so anxious that at our first scan they were going to tell us our baby was dead to the point I'd actually convinced myself that was in fact what was going to happen, so when I did in fact see a beautiful live foetus swimming around I was brought to tears. Then I was fine for a few weeks. Then the anxiety started again. And I started experiencing pain which I convinced myself was miscarriage pain so we went to maternity and again all was fine and we had our scan the next week again all was fine. But the anxiety and depression in this pregnancy is exhausting I'm scared this baby will die, to the point I can't enjoy it. I'm afraid of bonding with bump incase of the worst.
Luckily I had a great team of support, my midwife is specially trained to deal with this and I am now with a perinatal team plus of course my fab hubby.
Is there anyone else out there with/or who have had feelings like this? I just feel so alone.

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I left work at the beginning of May and used all my holiday which runs out on the 14th of June and then my maternity starts. And I'm so glad I made that decision, I think working, being a busy mum already and dealing with these feelings would have been too much. Hope all goes well in your new job @sazockaz14
05.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
Yeah much better. back to work sat on reduced hours and different job so see how that goes. only 8 weeks till mat leave. Hopefully I can survive 25 hours a week at work. take care xxx
04.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
Yes I have my therapist session on the 26th so am hopeful. Hope you are doing ok @sazockaz14 everyday is a battle xxxx
04.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
No you're not alone. I've been signed off for two weeks with anxiety. I just couldn't cope just being In the building at work. I've had a lot of help off midwife gp and maternity ward. just waiting on talking to a therapist. hope ur ok xx
04.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
Thank you girls so much it's really reassuring knowing that I'm not alone, I have been having such bad days and the fact that only a handful of people (mostly professionals) know makes it even harder because you have to put on a front all the time and pretend your are excited and happy and brave and in actual fact you are a mess!! Lol I really appreciate your honesty and openness @meganjade93 it's really helps xxxx
04.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
I suffered with severe depression & anxiety before I fell pregnant.. Now being pregnant it's 10x worse so I can completely understand what you're going through! I panic at every tiny irrational thing! You're not alone at all xx
04.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
Thank you @bambi14 and @elisabetesantos
04.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
@jumpingjellybeans, Im very scared too :/ im scared that one day i will wake up and never feel him moving again or that something will happen and then i have to get rid of all the things i already bought so i dont have to look at them. Losing a child is my absolute worse nightmare!! But need to keep positive hun ! They are healthy and thats all that matters i understand its frustrating .. i have anxiety too but all we can do is wait 😳 you dont have long left now 😊 wish you ALL the best 😘
04.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
Thanks Hun, glad your partner had been supportive, makes all the difference doesn't it? Yea just want to get settled now haha. Hopefully will be able to look back and laugh about this one day x
04.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
It's good to know that you aren't alone when you have been dealing with such feelings alone, I only opened up to my hubby two weeks ago because I was so worried he'd be upset or cross even that I didn't want the baby etc but he has been amazing actually. And he says whatever happens we'll get through it together. Moving house and being pregnant and having fears, anxiety and all the other emotions that come with just being hormonal is not a fun mix! Hopefully once you've moved and you are settled that will be one less worry for you. I wish you well too it's probably a mothers worst fear, losing a baby/child xxx
04.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
Yep, with the being scared of something happening part. Every day, when I don't feel movement I fear the worst. I'm terrified of losing him at term/during labor etc.. Plus we're in the process of moving house in a 7 person chain with some shite solicitors (not ours thankfully) so things are talking forever. I'm just glad I got signed off work a fortnight ago or I'd be a mess right now. Hope you're ok Hun xx
04.06.2015 Нравится Ответить
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