And that's only when he's working which is not consistent and not often . So when he's not his state bill stays the same but the child support keeps racking up @queendavis
Yeah my sons dad was having like $600 a month taken out in his checks when his child support is set at $158.00 .. So they would give me $158.00 twice a month because he owes back and he rest towards his state bill . He wasn't very happy but hey I didn't make my son by myself
They give the mother her child support full amount and take double support from the dad to pay back any back child support or state assistance @queendavis
It does but not by a whole lot and deff not enough to live off !! Been there done that ! Since I am the custodial parent and my sons dad is way behind on child support he has to be the the one to pay it back. Best think I ever did was just cut myself off way to much of a hassle and it's not even worth it .. He has to pay back over 3,000
It should. If you just get cash aid for yourself at the moment then when your baby is born you report his birth and you will receive cash aid for him as well. Remember though all cash aid must be paid back in CA. So either by you or the baby's father. Cash aid is considering "child support" that the father won't pay.