Moms, I need some advice please. My son will be 1 month on the 1st and he was 7.78 pounds and 20 1/2 inches long when he was born and dropped down to 7.4 in the hospital then when I took him to his 1 week appt he jumped back up to 7.54. Then Tuesday I took him to his doctor and he weighs 8 pounds 2 oz and is 21 in long.. His doctor said he is a little under weighed.. I now feed him 3 oz every 3 to 4 hours and she said that was great so I'm wondering why he's under weight?
My son was born at 5lbs 11oz & went down to 5lbs 1oz by 3 days of life && he remained in the small range (anywhere from < 3% - 34% weight percentile/average) for at least the first 9 months of life. I wasn't able to breastfeed but he responded really well go formula and now at 4 he's HUGE, so they catch up eventually. Just make sure the little one is eating. That's all you can do.
I'm not sure exactly but I've always been told that for the first month of life a newborns weight kinda fluctuates a bit. So I wouldn't worry to much as long as he is eating like he should I'm sure he will catch up