Called my dr... I didn't pass my glucose test💔 and I also am low on iron.. Have to see a dietician as well as take iron pills.. blahh I hate diets. 😬 11 more weeks, so it shouldn't be TOO bad..
Geez, I hope I can control it. That sucks to be having insulin. I'm sorry. I have to see the dietician next week, then take my blood sugars and list of what I'm eating and bring it all in to them 1 week later. They said they'll look at my weeks sugars and my diet to make sure it was followed to see whether I may need a pill or insulin to control it. 😩
Lol me too @mariahjo . you can get 30 grams of cards per meal and you eat like 6 times a day. I hope you can control it with diet only. I have to give my self insulin 6x a day. it sucks