I think I have gestational diabetes again, but the doctor is taking forever to call me with the results from my glucose test 😬 I really hope I don't have it again... I like being able to eat what I want lol diets suck especially during pregnancy.
They said they would but they keep edging towards another c section. They keep telling me how the chances of going all the way and having a vbac without having to have an intervention at some point is slim. I don't know what I'm going to do due to that. They said they can schedule my c section at 32 weeks for it to be done at 39 weeks. I haven't decided whether to do that or not.. it's so hard to decide especially because of what they keep saying. 😬
I got one in later pregnancy with my first also, I asked my doctor if I'd be getting one with this pregnancy and she said no.. I had a c section with my 1st and he was a big baby and my doctor is doing the same. She's saying the same thing will probably happen again, so if I want to skip all of the hours of labor for nothing I should have another c section. All I know is these doctors are something else lol. @boymama
I have got one with both of my pregnancies toward the end to estimate size... That's odd they won't do another one? I've had two larger babies so they are really pushing a c section this time... I'm so against it though. I think it's just a liability thing and easier for them...@mariahjo
I know, it's ridiculous. My doctor doesn't even check anything anymore. She said she wont be doing another ultrasound at all, not even to check baby's size, how much fluid, or whether he is breech, transverse, or etc. I only had one when I was about 8 weeks, then the 20 week growth scan, which is normal, but I could have sworn they do one more later in pregnancy to check those things. I guess not.
@mariahjo, I know the feeling... It's crazy how much we pay them (even though we have insurance) and they still don't keep us updated on our own lab results
I think I will They never seem to call or tell me anything, they just wait till my next appt and tell me. They probably don't even look until my chart is up in the room 😑 @boymama