Just found out my insurance will cover 100% of my breast pump just gotta get a prescription from my dr. I have a question is it only particular breast pumps I can get cause I seen 2 that like
@msred depends on the insurance company they told me the ones I could get. I went thru this company called edgepark my insurance referred me to them. and they mailed it out to me 2 days later
Yessss@determinedd I called my insurance and she said all I have to do is go to my dr and have her write out a prescription like the same way they do when they give you prescription for medicine
@msred They said I could either go and purchase it and send them the recipient and they would reimburse me or order is online from one of their venders free of charge and free shipping so I went with the vendor since I don't need it right now
@aye endavis, my insurance company told me once I get the prescription take it to a supply store like you would do with a prescription and they going to approve it!! Well I hope I be able to get either one I'm a find out today at my appt
Dunno who your insurance is but I got the medela one in the second pic. They asked me if I wanted medela or a different brand (can't remember which) and I said medela and that's the one they sent me. I don't think you really get to choose but they usually hook you up with a good one and good accessories.