its the recovery that's the most painful, but like I said it was safe and that was the main thing xxx only good thing if you have a planned section they usually bring u early I had my little girl two weeks early so that was good xxx
I had a c section with my first as she was breech and wouldn't turn, it was the safest way for me and baby but would.never choose to have one as recovery is a pain literally! but at the time is was the safest option! xxx
@joebi, The healing is what scars me. Im pretty active and would hate to be left with a horrible scar and big stomach. That may sound shallow but being honest. obviously if I had to for my baby I would.
The midwife comes to your house and removes the stitches after about 5 days but you have to take it easy for about 6 weeks, no driving or lifting etc so that's a pain but it is a major operation @mizzguyana everybody is different and heals differently, the scar is nice and neat and fades really well so you can't see it. All that said I'm praying for a VBAC this time x
I had emergency section as after 6 hrs of pushing he twisted his head and got stuck at the last minute, at that point I didn't care I just wanted him out safe and sound and I was exhausted. It was over and done with in abiut 20 minutes and I got to hold my beautiful boy so I soon forgot about it all. You will do what you have to to get baby here safe, my tip would be don't waste too much time on Birth plans as toy just can't predict what will be so avoid the disappointment
@mizzguyana, no not really - I probably will be after tomorrow as I am seeing the doctors for the date... It's the only way baby will be delivered safely so although would have loved to give birth I am just not able 😘 xx
I am having a C section because my baby weighed 9lbs @ 35 week... Baby is putting on fat 3 x times as quick as normal so @ 38 weeks they are expecting my baby to be between 11-12lbs xx
Yeah being overdue is horrible. you have to relax for baby to come thou. This time around, whatever my due date is...I'm adding two weeks and that's the date I'm telling people. It was the annoying comments from other people that drove me nuts....'so still pregnant then?' 😕 no no I had him two weeks ago, I just left him at home and shoved a basket ball up my tshirt 🙊🙈
@mizzguyana, I'm not going to lie...I did!! it's the fact your so ready, your uncomfortable and frustrated but you just have to try not to think about it and relax..which I couldn't do lol!! x