Personally, I grew up when I had my first baby. I changed for the better, and believe me... I had fun before I settled down and tried for a baby. I see some of my friends on Facebook who have new babies, and they talk about needing "weed" and they need a "night out". This kind of bothers me. I know its okay to go have fun once in a while, give yourself a break... but the "smoking weed" and hunting weed on Facebook, and posting pictures of baby all day, I know they smoke in the house with that baby. I don't find that okay. My opinion, of course... Ive had the chance to drink since having my son, but I never end up drinking or "partying" because it makes me feel so guilty, times like that...I'd rather be spending my time with my baby than beer.

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This makes me so sad. Some women would do anything for a chance to have a baby and still never get the opportunity, then some others act like a kid is no big thing to them...
26.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Smoking weed in the house with a baby is so wrong if you are gonna smoke weed at least go outside away from the baby. Some.ppl won't learn until its to late
26.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
26.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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