anyone else out there have a 4 year old or older child who refuses to do as you ask? any solutions would be great! my 4 year old daughter thinks she is grown and doesn't have to listen I'm ready to scream!

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Depends on your parenting style. I work in preschool, and we have very few ways to stop fits or hurtful behavior other than using timeouts; and the center doesn't even like the term "timeout." For a parent, this is extremely unrealistic. There's a no spank movement that equates even a well-delivered swat with violence, but this is so not the case! I'm a firm believer in a few things:
1. Give warnings and then follow through with consequences EVERY time. Consistency is key.
2. The severity of the punishment has to match the offense and must be enough to deter any further behavior. If the child throws her plate of food because she doesn't like what you offered, she doesn't get different food and she cleans up what she threw. If the child unbuckles her belt while driving against your instruction or runs into the street, you are dealing with a safety issue; and you must use more than words. As a nanny, I've pulled the car over and delivered a time out on the side of the road before or turned around from a fun destination and denied the child that privilege. Lots of tears and fits ensued, but I delivered a clear message. If the behavior persists, the child usually isn't taking you seriously. A child needs to feel loved while understanding that they cannot tell you "no" when you give directives or ignore you. This is disrespectful of authority and sets a precedent for how they treat teachers, principals, adults, future coaches, mentors, and future bosses. Teaching respect is so important to their future success.
3. If you promise a spanking, deliver it calmly and assertively with plenty of discussion. I personally would not use my hand and it's just enough to sting, never injure or bruise and never anywhere other than the buttocks. If spankings are not effective, then you have to discover another appropriate consequence like taking away privileges.
25.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
put him in the corner with his nose in the corner don't allow him to talk or play around bc he is four leave him there for 4 minutes but after two minutes explain his punishment real firm.
25.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I wish that worked I've tried the spankings the firm tone time out taking things away and nothing works
25.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I have a 4 year old boy and he likes to test my patience but he knows when I mean business I have to look at him in a talk in a firm tone. he use to not care but he understands now that mommy does not play
25.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I have a 4 year old boy and he likes to test my patience but he knows when I mean business I have to look at him in a talk in a firm tone. he use to not care but he understands now that mommy does not play
25.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I believe in spanking so no he does not lol
25.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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