Bryawna Farmer
Okay so not pregnancy related but I'm pretty sure my dads girlfriend has got to be the biggest idiot I have ever fucking met. Excuse my language but my goodness this lady goes and gets her dogs duclaw (idk how to spell it) fixed last night and they tell her leave the cone on for two weeks. Mind you this dogs paw was swollen because the nail had grown into the skin and under. She took the fucking come off because she felt bad!!!! Lady they tell you two weeks not two hours! Are you stupid?! I'm sorry but you are going to feel really bad when her foot gets extremely infected and now you have to pay a ridiculous amnt of money because you are so stupid 😡 ugh I don't understand people.
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Lol I'm glad your cat is okay :) but yes the dog ends up suffering it is so frustrating because it's not like the doctors tell her to leave it on because they think it looks cute you know? I sometimes feel like she doesn't even care about the effects of her actions or anything. Honestly this lady is nutty in general and you would think I wouldn't even be surprised by the things she does but I have to admit her stupidity never ceases to amaze me lol @momma_beffers

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And the dog suffers.. my bf wouldn't let me leave the cone on MY cat. but my cats fine lol

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