a little something i wrote .....i was training to join the air force I wasn't a normal teenager I didn't party I never did drugs I never experienced sex with more than one man but I liked it like that I was told I could never become pregnant by three different doctors but that's all I wanted when I got older to create a life and love this little human more than myself but it got put in my head I couldn't one year an one month later I was 4weeks pregnant with you scared an confused nervous excited that's what I felt I kept thinking oh my god I'm going to have a baby a child I can't believe this ! let alone being 17 but I can do this I will do this I almost lost you 4 times the most scariest thing I have ever went through now I get the news you might have something wrong with your heart and lips/pallet whatever you look like you'll be one handsome little man because God makes everyone different maybe he just wants you to stand out I pray for your little heart to be okay kaiden Lee wade you saved me no matter how young i am I'm a mother and you made my life 100% worth living