I am 32 weeks 3 days pregnat with plecenta previa this is my 3rd pregnacy and with my other 2 never had a problem but with this one I am... I have 2 boys and this one is a girl I'm going into a ultrasound next week to see if the plecenta has moved up if not going to have a c section :, (
omg and @babybump3 before we even found out the sex my husband already knew I was having a girl, bc it was complications from day one and with my boys none
thanks girl I'm so scared for a c section don't want it at all want to go nautral I haven't had issues till I was 28 weeks I'm 32 weeks now and they said by next week if the plecenta hasn't moved up got to go in at 34 weeks and have her
I'm convinced I'm having a girl too....I had two boys and no problems during pregnancy ... but with this one in having so many issues... hope all goes well for you momma