I went into labor on April 27 my wedding anniversary and my due date. Needless to say that anniversary sex put us into labor! 3 hours later I was eating dinner and I was getting these horrible cramps but I didn't want to believe they were contractions. I called my mom and told her I was crampy and she wanted me to call my doctor ASAP because she told me I'm contracting since the cramps were coming back every 3-5 minutes. The doctor told me to come in right away this was around 10:00pm I got to the hospital at 11:00pm and they did the mandatory checks. They checked my cervix and I was 5cm! So they told me they will admit me. I was terrified lol I didn't know what to expect i honestly thought I would have to be induced! I got my epidural around 2:00am talk about relief! They broke my water around 3:30 it felt nasty!!! I was feeling so good until it hit around 5:30am then I got the pressure of having to poop! It got worse and worse and the doctor came in told me to stop pushing I didn't realize I was! Lol they checked my cervix again I was a 10 at 6:15am that's when I started pushing and my little nugget came out at 7:22am! I had a relatively easy labor and pretty fast too! It was the happiest day of my life.