Saacheay Sweetheart 🌻
So I was on here earlier and I caught eye of a post about the opinion that you guys have about tattooed parents, unfortunately I wasn't able to read it. I would really like to know your opinions, I am a first time mommy to be with twins on the way and I am covered in them. I'm sorry I really don't care about any negative responses they will not hurt my feelings, I just want to know what you ladies think; And why there is such a huge controversy about having tattoos....
8.9 лет

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I seen the post and just ignore it....what those it matter if I have tattoo or not weather I'm marry or not weather I'm fat or skinny if I'm lesbian or straight....I really don't see the point in that post....no matter what I'm a mother who get her job done and anyone opinion really doesn't matter....so i ignore it.....

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I seen the post and just ignore it....what those it matter if I have tattoo or not weather I'm marry or not weather I'm fat or skinny if I'm lesbian or straight....I really don't see the point in that post....no matter what I'm a mother who get her job done and anyone opinion really doesn't matter....so i ignore it.....

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I'm right there with all of you ladies! I have a huge tribal eagle across my back and I want to turn it in to a dream catcher , I have added 3 feathers this far for my 2 gpas and my one gma that has passed. I want to add 2 more for the twins using their foot prints. I also have a huge Rosie the Riveter on my side to symbolize strength. A bunch of flowers and To infinite and beyond for my best friend that moved across country. I love all of my tattoos and I think my boys will to. When they learn how to write their names I will get that tattooed as well. I look at my tattoos as a page in my book life . Thank all of you ladies for your opinions, don't ever let anyone be the judge of you.

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I have six and I'm getting one soon for my son

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I am proud of my 12 tattoos and one of them is super huge now that it's around my belly I can't wait till I'm not pregnant so I can get more 😂

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I have 6.. and I don't think they affect your parenting... it's just added art to my body.. I want more do when ever I do die... I want the person preparing my body to see that I did a lot and I loved life!

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Tats are sexy

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They really don't bother me. I have 1! And may get a few more. The only ones that really bother me are big chest tats on a woman. I know a dental hygienist who can't find a job bc she has a big tattoo on her chest. Yes she can cover it up, but not all the time.

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I have 3, tattoos do not affect your parenting skills. Whatsoever , however people will judge you no matter what so just be happy with yourself my biggest tattoo is in honor of my daughter who I lost last yr I really don't care what anyone thinks.

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tattoos don't effect the parenting abilities!!!! So why jot! I have 6 so fare and will be getting many more

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I have 10 total SO FAR lol I think they are beautiful works of art!

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Me personally I don't have any tattoos but we live in a generation now where having tatts are in style . So I don't see the big deal personally . It was different in our parents day you know ? I mean it was even different in my boyfriend's day . He's 43 .

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My mom had lots of tattoos and she was/is a great mom and a great grandmother to her kids and grandkids. I don't have any just for the simple fact that I'm a big baby! Lol I hate pain. But tattoos def don't define the mother.

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