So my mom is super mad at me for the most ridiculous reason right now. We were discussing my baby shower and people my boyfriend and I are inviting and she mentioned someone that she's inviting that I barely even know, let alone can tolerate being around. She got mad and said " So I can't invite my friends?" ... uhmmm.. no because this day isn't about you. It's for my boyfriend and I and our baby.
Now she's not talking to me because she's literally SO mad she wants to put a hole in the wall.. just because she can't invite HER friends to OUR baby shower.. Does anyone else think this is ridiculous or is it just me?
I just don't get why she would be SO mad she wants to put a hole in the wall. I don't want to be annoyed, stressed or anything during my baby shower and those people irritate me within 5 minutes. She doesn't seem to get that either. She wants to make it all about her. She doesn't even discuss anything with me regarding my baby shower! She just plans them and doesn't ask if I'm okay with it.