megan mae
megan mae
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::Question for everyone::
Last week at my 35 week check up the doctor said he wanted to repeat some blood work because my levels of something came back slightly low (something to do with antibodies - titer - and - iron levels concerning my baby not me) I go in yesterday for my 36 week check up and he says he wants me to see another doctor concerning it because it's still low, I'm guessing a high risk doctor because that's the specialty of that office he referred me too. He explained nothing and freaked me out so badly!! I'm so angry about it, just gave me a referral script and a print out of the blood work. He also told me my daughter this pregnancy should be fine, but this will definitely effect any pregnancies and children I conceive, carry and birth in the future. I'm attaching a picture of what he gave me with the name in guessing. I've googled and nothing comes up. I dont know if it's about my RH which in positive so it shouldn't be an issue he told me I didn't require the shot so that can't be it, but I just don't know what this issue is called so I'm unable to research or look anything up concerning it. If anyone has ANY knowledge on the issue or subject please weigh in so I can research an learn more about this issue and stop panicking so much!! Thank you!

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