Ugh I'm 32 weeks and since I hit my 3rd trimester I just have no urge to eat at all I completely have no appetite.. I've had to force myself to eat and I've forgotten a few times until like 4 in the afternoon. Any other mommies go through this and what did you do to remind yourself? 😕

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I'm 15 weeks and I have no appetite 😷 usually smoothies and salads, fruits or soups are good 👌
20.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I've been like that the last trimester myself.... my doctor said it's normal
20.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
This is how I've been for the last week or so. I just have no desire to eat. Especially protein foods! I literally force myself to eat. The only thing I'm fine eating is really cold fruit and salads. So that's what I've been eating. And for lunch I just make some pasta! But seriously. I don't want any meats at all! And as far as reminding myself goes. I just got in the habit of waking up and eating something before I do anything else. Like today I had a peanut butter and banana sandwich. I had to choke it down. But I ate t.
20.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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