I remember on the 28th April 2015 I woke up at 4am with severe pains in my stomach, thinking it would pass I just laid in bed and at 4:20am I went into the bathroom to run a bath when I felt a gush of water down below, bearing in mind I was 39+2. I woke my partner up to tell him my waters had font and straight away I rang Huddersfield Birth Centre and they advised me what to do. I rang back at 5:30 like they said and at 7am and I went in, I was there 2 hours they checked Me over to see how I was doing but they sent me home at 9am, my 2:30pm the pain was unbeatable so they told me to come back in so I did. However, I wasn't in established labor until 4:30pm so there was nothing the midwives could do at that point. I got in the birth pool and my contractions got even worse and the pool wasn't doing much for the pain as baby's head was pushing on my cervix and had strong urges to push, I was in agony! I tried pushing on a birthing stool and got on all fours but they didn't help whatsoever! Son I decided to get on the bed. I laid on my side and levered up my leg and started pushing and after 20 minutes my beautiful baby boy's head was born at 10:27pm but he wasn't officially born until 10:29pm. Mate aight after he was born the misfire placed him on my chest for skin-to-skin contact and daddy cut the cord. Shortly after, I delivered the placenta about 5 minutes after Ty'reise was born! All I had during my labor was gas and air and my established labor lasted just 5 hours 59 minutes although I was contracting all day! Would definitely go through that experience again, it is so worth it! 👍🏻💯👣👶🏽💜❤️