Alyssa N Isaac
Alyssa N Isaac
Ok so..
my bfs mom babysits my month and a half year old baby sometimes and every time i go to pick her up, she has a new outfit on. It kinda annoys me cuz she changes her clothes simply because she likes playing dress up with her or whatever but idk why it annoys me. like just babysit her n stop with the unnecessary stuff lol
i already bathe and change her outfit every morning so she doesnt need to be changing her clothes too unless shes pooped/peed on them you know.. maybe im overreacting tho haha

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my mil is the same way and it really doesn't bother me, whatever I have him in she will wash for me and give it back this is her first grand baby. but I can understand the way you feel.
16.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
it's normal my mil does that with sister in law son my sister in law is like I'm gonna drop him off more often lol but don't let it get to u they get excited when they see something and buy it for them. there's grandma's that don't even want to see the grandkids... ur blessed relax and enjoy that there loving ur baby
16.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Aww we moms always want to over protect our babies but look on the bright side at least she' cares enough to change her dirty or not there's babysitters out there that leave the child dirty and that u don't want
16.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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