megan mae
megan mae
Question for you ladies need your input
My longest friend who I have been close with for 10-12+ years has 2 boys already (6&4) she has them with her and ex husband. She's been with a new man for 11 months I'd say now, and in the course of that 11 months she's been pregnant 3 times. The first time was 3-4 months in so she choose to terminate, ok that's fine her body her choice, then the 2nd time was about 3 months ago, and again due to her relationship not being healthy or stable she choose again to terminate. And now again she has found herself pregnant (I'd say about 5-6 weeks) I have told her that if she continues to terminate pregnancies especially 3-4 in a span of 12 months this can not be healthy for her body number 1 and number 2 after a while it kind of seems like it's meant to be and she is supposed to have a child. What do you ladies think? Would you take pregnancy number 3 as a sign from above that maybe you are supposed to have this child? Yes her relationship is still unhealthy and not very stable they fight constantly, but I've told her that's not a good enough reason for have abortion number 3 she says she's using condoms and not having unprotected sex and she still fell pregnant again. Every time they fight and argue she is always threatening saying to him "if this doesn't change I'm making an appointment and getting rid of the baby" I don't agree with that as well because a baby isn't a pawn and shouldn't be threatened daily that she will terminate. What is some advice you guys can give me to give her or even for me in talking to her. I love her and always stand by her and I am pro choice because your body is your own and it's your decision but I don't feel that abortion should be used as birth control and after so many times when does it become to many abortions.

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@mizzmeganmae, Something isn't right unless she it's sleeping around(not saying she is) and don't want him to find out. After so many abortions they will refuse to do so and like you said she should get on a birth control. If she don't want three child she should give them up for adoption there are plenty of ppl who would love to have kids but can't.
14.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
@babydavis915, that was a thought of mine as well, like does planned parenthood just allow you to keep getting pregnant and just keep terminating? How is her insurance willing to pay thousands a year for termination. I would expect them to have some kind of limit with that. I have told her to get on birth control as well to help prevent but for some reason she just doesn't want to be on birth control, it's like secretly she wants to get pregnant and when she does and she realizes it's real she doesn't keep the baby. She told me no condoms broke this time and he never came in her just on the outside of her, so i dont know how she got pregnant obviously that can't be true, so she probably didn't do plan b because she never had unprotected sex in her eyes.
14.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Also tell her to start taking Plan B. They are about $50 at any local pharmacy.
14.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
They will stop her from terminating them. Some girls I know from school did that and now when they get pregnant they have to have the baby.
14.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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