megan mae
megan mae
I am so overly aggravated today and I have been wondering why, I mean yea I am 35 weeks 3 days and my hormones are not helping but then after thinking it's probably because I am so SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED!!! I haven't had sex in weeks and when I think about it I wanna punch my boyfriend for it! I'm so over trying and asking and mentioning it and never getting it I am about ready to toss him and his shit out the windows! I don't see why men don't understand that we already feel like blimps and don't feel sexy as it is so when you don't touch us for weeks or make us feel like you want us that makes us feel even worse about ourselves. And then you wonder why I'm in a bad mood or don't wanna hang out with you or watch a movie. I have zero interest in hanging out with you or even spending time with you when you make me feel like shit about myself! I have expressed this to him more times than I can count and have told him nicely how I feel and he still obviously could careless. Idgaf if your tired from working all day it's been 3 1/2 weeks now, not one day out of the last 25 have you been in the mood? Ok then fuck off and don't try and cuddle because i don't care for that shit either anymore. I'm totally against cheating while in a relationship but I am kind of understanding why people cheat now. Especially after expressing themselves and pretty much begging for sex and not getting it. Ughhhh I can't stand him at the moment! Don't even wanna sleep in bed with him thinking about hitting the couch tonight because his voice and the sound of him breathing is bothering me!

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