Random question mamas
Have any of you other preggos had an issue with your feet itching? No where else on my body itches this way just my feet, and they don't seem to really be swollen. (I'm 35 weeks)
@kcal12, see that's why I was asking I know I've heard it is a sign of preeclampsia and something to do with liver issues. I have my check up tomorrow I'll make sure they check my urine for protein and my blood pressure even tho that doesn't feel high but You never know.
@queenquee, I got tomorrow for my weekly check up I'll mention it to him, they might be very slightly swollen but nothing really noticeable I've just heard that them itching or severe itching sometimes is a sign of preeclampsia
@queenquee, some parts on me itch too sometimes like my belly or my boobs or other places I know that's normal but this is like crazy itching where I could rip my skin off, it's driving me insane the last 2 years it's like painful.