my labor story.... i went to the hospital to be induced Thursday at 5:30. i was having mild contractions since monday but was only 1cm dilated. they started the pitocin at 6:30. the contractions were still mild but effective enough to get me to 3cm dilated. I looked up a labor prayed and said it each time i had a contraction and i promise it made things easier. by the time i finished the prayer my contraction was ending. they up the pitocin bc i was only 4cm by 12:00. 1:00 things got really painful and contractions were coming every 2/3 mins. they asked me if i wanted the epidural but i refused it and opted for the stadol. it kicked in immediately and had me feeling really loopy but i still felt all the contractions. i jumped from 4 to 6cm in 10 mins. i could feel the baby descending down and that hurt more than the contractions. she checked me again and i was fully dilated. it hurt so bad just to put my legs up. i pushed once and out came Ma'Kayla @2:17pm. in love all over again. they next day i was scheduled to have my tubes tied at 11:00 am. everything went smooth but im still recovering. Baby had her first dr appt and she is healthy thank GOD.