So, I'm think I my need to look into finding the boys a new doctor. I'm starting to worry that my kids are not being taken care of like they should. They have both (2y & 6m) been sick for over a month now. Typical cold symptoms and a very bad cough. I've taken them in about 5 times for the wheezing, cough, and restlessness. At the last visit, the doctor finally gave us some medicine and a chest X-ray. I'm also really worried about the two sores on my oldest back. I looked up impetigo and it sounds like it but I've never actually seen it. They keep giving me a prescription for the same ointment. My babies sound terrible and I feel like I need a second opinion. So, should I gave it a few more days/week and see if they start getting better like he said they would?

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Thanks, girl. Looks like I'll be finding a doctor on Monday. I can't stand to see these babies sick any longer. I swear they're doctor is the laziest doctor ever.
10.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
yesssss, you need to find them another doctor.. Cause that's not normal and it don't need to get no worse than what it already is. they toooooo young to be suffering like that.. They need to see a doctor that's fine really help them.
10.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'm thinking the same thing. And I know the nurses see me getting aggravated that I have to keep coming back. My poor baby can't breathe, he's so fussy and he has coughed so hard that he chokes. I just don't want it to turn into something really bad.
10.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
If its been a month and they are still sick not progressing none. then u need to change they doctors ASAP. A month is long enough. Actually to long. ! Your babies need to be seen and helped. I wish you and the kids the best...
10.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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