megan mae
megan mae
Truly considering becoming a lesbian and swearing off men! Mine drives me so damn crazy it makes being in a relationship not worth it sometimes! I'd rather sleep alone and raise 3 children by myself than put up with his shit sometimes! I'm supposed to be the hormonal bitch and he's acting like a female more than I do! Tonight's going to be one hell of a long night and ride to drop my older children off with this miserable little girl in the drivers seat! Goose Frabba!' Someone needs to give me the strength and patience not to just sucker punch him in the ear!! Haha so tempted! And if he continues to drive like a maniac I'm going to end up leaving him on the side of the highway!

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exactly!!! my sex drive never lessened.. im always game! @mizzmeganmae
09.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
@momofsolaris, me too! I'm 35 weeks pregnant and miserable! And I'm still game there's NO reason your not! So you worked? Oh well I'm carrying a 6lb baby and am so uncomfortable I can barely walk without waddling or crying at the moment and I'm still spreading my legs so f your excuses
09.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
09.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
im also tired of the excuses @mizzmeganmae
09.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
@mamas_mia, I should! If I wasn't so pregnant it's terrible to say because im against cheating but if I was 35 weeks pregnant I would cheat to be honest with how bad it's been with us lately and not getting any either. I'm over the arguing bickering and fighting and no sex either! Wtf am I in a relationship for haha. I'll keep the apartment he can go home to mommy and visit her until she's old enough for over nights. I do it with my ex I can do it with him as well. Plenty of other men out there willing to step up if you don't want to. I can go fishing and find 10 more better than you buddy!
09.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
@momofsolaris, exactly!! We shouldn't have to beg or even ask for sex wtf just give it. I've actually told mine I'm not asking for sex I'm not mentioning it anymore I'm tired of excuses. But when he asks me next time excuse me being spiteful but I'm saying NOPE even if I want to! Taste some of that! And wait till after his daughter is born and I can't have sex bahahahah he's guns be begging after 6-8-10 weeks of me healing and I'm not choking his chicken either he has 2 well working hands.
09.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Ask for a hall pass. Tell him you'll find a man to do his manly duties since he won't lol
09.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
yea well my bf only wants sex when he wants it... when i bring it up.. he acts like im just about sex when im not... maybe if i got some id be fine lol @mizzmeganmae
09.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
@mamas_mia, I swear I'm so tempted!! Maybe I wouldn't be so sexually frustrated either! Haven't had sex in over 2 weeks either so that's not helping!
08.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
@momofsolaris, nope he could careless in pregnant and feel miserable. His line is well I'd rather be pregnant then go to work everyday! Bahahahah id gladly give this belly away for a week and work! With pleasure! I'd love to have my body back and be able to take my pain medicine for my knees that knee surgery or take some damn cold and flu medicine! Haha. Men have NO idea what it's like to be really pregnant and then give birth. It's my 3rd time but I'm still nervous and scared because every birth is different and talking to him about any of it? Bahahahah is a joke he has better shit to think and worry about and ignores me cuts me off or acts like I'm bothering him! Such an insensitive bastard sometimes! I'm about ready to ship him back to him mothers house because ive had it with him and since he's always on her titties and his dad's balls and hasn't grown up and let go yet maybe he should go back home! Let his mom cook clean and do his laundry again. He does more for her and talks more highly about her than me anyways!
08.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Doooo it!
08.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
i know how you feel girl... its like the pregnancy doesn't even matter... :(
08.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
@momofsolaris, for real tho! I've never been been with a girl but I've tried out a couple things sexually but with the emotional was I put up with him, and how nasty and grumpy he always is and how he stays bitching moaning and complaining about EVERYTHING!! I might as well be with a girl because thats how we are. He's more dramatic than I am! It's completely ridiculous! He is this big bad football player that everyone remembers from HS that's so tough and everyone's afraid of and no one fucks with but if everyone knew how he really was bahahahah they would laugh in his face! He's so insensitive as well it's crazy he will be so mean and cruel and rude and I feel deathly sick today like I have the flu and I'm 35 weeks pregnant pretty much and all the discomfort from that he's still mean makes me cry, then has the nerve to ask why I'm crying I tell him and he gets nasty even more!! Like wtf yo if you are going to keep being rude, and cruel, and nasty and aren't going to be sensitive understanding or caring just fuck off yo. Leave me alone!! I'd rather ignore him like the plague then deal with it. I'm sleeping on the couch or my kids beds tonight I will not be in bed with him! He's off to work at 7:30 tomorrow and I'll have the day of quiet and peace thank god!!! It's a shame I don't even wanna spend free time with him because there's always a damn issue!
08.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
i know the feeling! I've told myself several times over the past few days that i should just stick to girls lol... im bi as it is.
08.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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