Kourtney Ray
Kourtney Ray
Well since everyone is doing "10 Facts About Me", I shall join the crowd!
1. My name is Kourtney Elizabeth Ray.
2. I will be 19 on May 13th.
3. I am 25 weeks and 5 days along with my baby boy Brayden.
4. I got married to my best friend on February 14, 2015.
5. I never thought I would be able to get pregnant due to sever PCOS...and here I am thanks to the Lord.
6. I am a pharmacy clerk/technician.
7. I was in a softball accident at 12 by being knocked out due to a hard hit, and had memory loss of of a couple of years prior to that time, and took 6 months to be reminded of everything from basic memory skills to remembering my childhood.
8. My biggest fears are spiders and developing Alzheimer's when I get old.
9. My mother had me at 17, and is my best friend.
10. I found God over last summer and my life went from depression, to nothing but happiness and miracles.💙

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See @jennahall75! Amen
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I have PCOS too! And thought the same thing.. But look at God he blessed us with children! Yay amen to that
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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