Kimberly Garrett
Kimberly Garrett
10 Facts
1. I'm 29 years old, but thought I was 28 last year and this year. (really no lie)
2. I have 2 daughter who I love with all my heart💜
3. Married to the Love of my life for 1 year been together 11 years. we just never thought we needed a piece of paper to say we were going to be with eachother for ever. But our daughters asked why we weren't and we got married. Best decision of our life. Love married life.
4. I'm the oldest and only girl of 4 children. I am my brothers keeper. I raised my brother they are my world.
5. I love my mom alot but always been a grandma's hirl. She raised me and we talk allllott the time she is very important to me. Anyone who knows me know hoe much she means to me.
6. I love to smoke weed, but have givin it up this whole pregnancy, don't plan on smoking again untill after I breast pump. It keeps me sain and I just love it. Don't like breastfeeding. nothing against's just not somthing I like. but I believe in pumping breast milk is great for the baby.
7. I have a great bond with both my daughters. I love that they tell me everything. I hope it stays that way forever.
8. My husband and I talk every night. we talk about our whole day it's just somthing we always done. Mainly when he uses the bathroom. lol. we are very honest with eachother.
9. I don't like people to do things for me because I feel they won't and don't do it the way I I just do it myself.
10. Love being a Wife, Mom, sister, daughter, grandaughter, and friend. Love when people need me. it makes me feel good.

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yeah I talk to crystal every day. she was on here way back when I was still pregnant. I love it we talk about anything n everything n I'm always up to have someone else to talk to n I think me n you could relate a little more jus from reading those facts. 😀
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Girl ty. I don't have many friends. yes their are alot of phonies now in days. I talk yo 2 mommies I met on here off of this app daily. I love it. it's so nice to have someone to talk to and not be judgmental. I love when people tell the truth tho and don't get mad. I love corrective criticism. As long as the person isn't hating on me or judging me. But I would love to get to know you better. @babynova12.5.14 Let's do this!!!!!
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I like your facts. I feel we would get along great you jus seem like a real ass woman I love it. I wish I had friends lol everyone is phony these days
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
awwww. ty. @babynova12.5.14 I appreciate that. means alot to me 😊
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I've seen a lot of these ten facts. this is the best one I like it
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
That's good. I bet. well hopefully I can get this girl out soon. you have a great night/morning ttyl. enjoy your time with baby untill nurses come in every hour. sheesh
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'm doing both lol I did get an epidural but I still felt a lot.
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Ty. awww how precious. traumatized? why? I bet your boobs are soar are you gonna breastfeed or breast pump? I was watching birth videos OMG! hope I get a epidural and don't feel shit! lol Fr tho
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
@kimmygarrett85, I'm excited to hear about it! I love my baby soo much. I changed his first poopy diaper today because at the hospital he was in the nursery so the nurses did it for me. I'm not ashamed to say I was traumatized. Oh and my boobs are so sore D:
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
No. I wish. My due date and my doctor appointment is on the 8th Friday. I'm inpatient. longest week of my life. @jennyleigh how are you? how you enjoying the baby? by the way thanks for asking.
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Is she here yet @kimmygarrett85 ???
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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