montanas mommy
montanas mommy
Help !! Ok mommies who have already had their babies
She's 2 weeks old
my daughter grunts and strains in her sleep but I'm 99% sure it's not because she's trying to poop cause she does that just fine and it's usually shortly after feeding but it's when I lay her down while sleeping she makes these sounds any idea why
(Doesn't happen when sleeping in my arms or on me or when she passes gas she doesn't cry or anything just makes grunting and straining sounds)

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@mamas_mia, ok yea I'm going to talk to the home nurse that comes out next Monday cause her next appointment isn't until June 10th hopefully it's her just wanting to hear herself
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
My Baby is 6 weeks old and has done this since she was about that age. My doctor said some babies do this, that they must just like to hear themselves
07.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
ya. Like I said try pushing her knees to her knees. I'd it still doesn't work ask the doc about gas drops
06.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
@martaboo, ok I'm going to try that cause it's just strange she doesn't seem uncomfortable I'm not sure tho and my mom told me to try burping her too but she's breast feed and she sometimes won't burp no matter how long I try the doctor said it was normal for her not to burp tho because she isn't getting the air in the way bottle feed babies do but idk
06.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
She could be gassy. maybe she need a to burp or fart or she swallowed air. when u burp her push her knees to her stomach to help get everything out. lay her flat for a little and then try burping her again. if anything she's probably just really comfortable with you so swaddling her might help.
06.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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